Thought For Today: “Stuck At The Cross?”
Many Christians are stuck at the cross and never experience the glory of the resurrection.
This is where the disciples found themselves at on that very first Easter. They were huddled in a room fearful and uncertain. They knew Jesus died and was buried, but then came word that the tomb was empty and that He was alive.
Many today are huddled in their emotions reflecting on how life hadn’t turned out the way they planned. They know Jesus has risen, but He hasn’t quite risen in their hearts due to the pain and suffering they’re going through.
They’re stuck at the cross. So, how do we get unstuck?
When Mary came and told the disciples that the tomb was empty and that Jesus had risen, Peter and John ran to the tomb and when John saw the burial clothes, and that the tomb was empty He believed. (John 20:1-8)
Later Jesus showed Himself alive to the disciples and their sorrow turned into joy. (John 20:19-20)
To move from the pain of the cross to the joy of the resurrection we need to have faith and believe. We need to cling to the reality of the empty tomb and that Jesus rose from the dead and believe. We need to allow Jesus to come into our pain and sorrow and bring the reality of our glorious future with Him.