Peace for Today’s World
September 13, 2024

Tuesday’s Thought: “Peace for Today’s World”

The world is in desperate need of peace. There are wars, uprisings, and terror threats across the globe. Children are killing each other or ending their lives before they have a chance to live.

Jerusalem, whose very name means peace, has seen nothing but continual conflict. And while its been claimed by every major religion, none of them bring it a true and lasting peace. In other words, it’s not religion that will bring this world peace, it is only the Lord God of the Bible that will bring the peace that is needed the most.

And that peace is Shalom peace, the peace of God. This is the peace that the world needs, but it’s what the world can never fully achieve, because while there can be peace pacts and peace accords, these as we have seen, don’t last.

That which will last, is God’s Shalom peace within a person’s heart, and what we need to do is go to the real source of peace, the real source of Shalom, and that is God.

It’s not the peace of man that’s needed for our day and for our lives, it’s God’s peace.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Jesus, therefore, is the only peace that makes sense in this senseless world.

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