Our Gracious Loving Shepherd
March 25, 2020

Today’s 333 Devotional: “Our Gracious Loving Shepherd”

Throughout the Bible we’re introduced to God as our Great and Good Shepherd, but there’s no passage more precious than Isaiah’s when he speaks of the Lord not only in His title as our Good and Great Shepherd, but rather what He does for us, and what He provides for us.

“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young.” (Isaiah 40:11)

Never are we ever introduced to a more loving description of God grace towards us. There are few passages in the Bible that are as precious as this. God has a tender heart for each one of us and will take care of us with the upmost care.

And He paid dearly for the opportunity to do so, demonstrating this love by sending His Son, Jesus, to die for us, even when we are His enemies.

Yes, He will care for you with great care.

His tender mercies are seen as well in the closeness He desires with us as He carries us, not as some sack of potatoes, but as a mother carries a new born allowing him or her to suckle at her breast. There is a tender nearness that is expressed in this passage.

And with this nearness comes perfect rest for our souls, and the sweetest comfort for our anxious filled thoughts.

And so, whatever you are going through, come to Jesus, the Good and Great Shepherd, and let Him feed you of His heavenly provision. Let Him lift you up in His arms and carry you close to His heart where there is boundless affection, tender mercy, perfect rest, and sweet comfort.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness.” (Psalm 23:1-3)

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