It’s Our Responsibility
May 31, 2023

Thought for Today: “It’s Our Responsibility”

The Bible is more relevant than any textbook. The textbooks our current educational system uses continues to teach our children has to constantly be changed, which means they weren’t true or accurate in the first place, and probably they are still wobbly when it comes to the truth. But the Bible has remained true and unchanged from its original manuscripts.

But this truth has escaped our current educational leaders. Look at what’s being taught in our schools. They teach that God is dead, that there’s no such thing as God, and that the Bible is just a book, and an old one at that and has no relevance in today’s modern society.

But, the world, through its lies, has been conforming the masses more to its ways than we are allowing God to transform us into His image, and relaying its life changing message, as we have been called to do in Jesus’s Great Commission.

The Apostle Paul warns us not to allow this to happen.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

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Mesquite, NV. 89027
(Behind Ace Hardware)

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