Today’s 333 Devotional: “God’s Love is Filled With Grace”
God’s love is inseparably linked with His grace, which is the basis upon which He first chose us in His love, and His grace is the basis upon which He continues to lavish His love.
“But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20)
Some commentators translate “abounded much more” as “superabounded.” God’s love is so great that no sin is too great for God to forgive. We just have to confess and repent.
We see God’s grace and his unchanging love in the story of the prodigal son.
Here the son asked for his inheritance early, in essence rebelling against his father’s rules. He then took that money and committed all kinds of sin until the money ran out. Having no money, he hired himself out to a pig farm where he had to muck the stuff and feed the pigs their swill. It got so bad that the pigswill started looking good.
He then realized how his father took good care of those who worked for him, and so he headed back home hoping just to be hired on as one of the workers.
Now the father was just waiting for his son to return home keeping watch day and night. And when the father saw his son coming, he ran to him and put upon him new clothes welcoming him back into the family.
And this is the grace we all need. For anyone who’s in desperate need and willing to admit their condition, God shows His love. But we must be willing to say, “I’m messed up, I’m needy, and I’m unable to do this in my own strength. So, I bring all of my messed up, needy, and weak self to You Father.”
And God says, “Come, I’ll take it because I love you.”
God’s love for us is based upon His grace, and in God’s grace, He’s made the way for us to come to Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ.