Today’s 333 Devotional: “Getting Ready for Christmas”
Thanksgiving is over, and already the push is on. Christmas is right around the corner and today we celebrate Black Friday, one of the holiday’s best and busiest shopping days, that is, until Cyber Monday.
So how does our society get ready for Christmas?
In our present pandemic where states are locking down people’s ability to gather, whether with family or in houses of worship, no one knows what to do, or how to get ready for the holiday.
Before, the days would be filled with anxious holiday shoppers trying to get everything on their Christmas list. They’ll go from store to store, or from one Internet site after another all to find that special gift and the best price possible.
Well, the Internet part is still on, but the unfortunate reality is that many small businesses have gone out of business. So much for a season of comfort and joy!
But what we have forgotten during this time is the baby Jesus in the manger, which is what this time is all about.
It is about the Lord God of heaven and earth coming down to be one of us, so that not only can our sins be forgiven through His death upon the cross, but also so that we can be assured that He knows exactly what we’re going through so we can know and be assured that we’re not alone it all this mess.
Therefore, during this time of getting ready for Christmas, let’s get back to what Christmas is all about, the birth of our Savior and Lord, and then accept and give thanks for this wonderful gift God has given, that is when we will have not only the cheer we are looking for, but also peace on earth and goodwill towards men.
And so, Christmas is not about all the stuff, it is about the birth of Jesus Christ. So, let’s get ready the right way by getting ourselves right with Him.