Thought For Today: “Easter Is More”
This Sunday Resurrection Sunday or what is commonly referred to as Easter, so I thought I share what Easter is REALLY all about
+ Easter is all about God’s power on full display.
+ Easter is all about the God of creation coming down and becoming one of us, becoming part of His creation.
+ Easter is all about God coming and sacrificing Himself for our sins, and then coming out of the grave and saying, “I’m alive and you can be alive too.”
+ Easter is a time to celebrate that our God is a powerful God.
+ Easter is a time to celebrate the fact that God entered this world and became a part of our history.
+ Easter is about the all-powerful God at work for us and in us.
+ Easter is about living forever in the presence of God.
+ Easter is our greatest victory because of what Jesus Christ did for us, as He died, was buried, and then rose on the third day.
+ Easter is about Jesus’s resurrection, and because of that we can have eternal life.