Thought for Today: Christmas is For-Giving
Today I’d like to share with you an integral part of our giving this Christmas, and that is our need to be “for-giving.”
Forgiveness is something that touches every aspect of our lives. One of the Scriptures often quoted during Christmas bears this out when the angel of the Lord told Joseph what the name of the child would be.
“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)
Jesus came because all of us need to be delivered from the devastating effects of sin.
And here’s the really neat part about forgiveness, when we extend it to others it benefits us far more than those we extend forgiveness too. Forgiveness is one of the healthiest things we can do.
We need to forgive for our own health and wellbeing. Medical science has found that patients who refused or could not forgive had chemical changes to their physical makeup causing all kinds of medical and psychological problems.
So, unforgiveness throws our equilibrium off, and physically it causes our immune system to weaken.
Unforgiveness is like picking up a hot coal to toss it at the person who did us wrong, only to find that we are the ones who gets burned.
One of the greatest gifts we can give this Christmas is forgiveness. So, who can we give this gift of forgiveness to this Christmas