Choosing Right Standards
August 19, 2019

Building Lasting Values

“Choosing Right Standards”


Today, I’d like to start my next series on discipleship, which I promised back when I started the first one on “Building God’s House.” This series will look at those Christian values the Bible talks about that are needed in the building process of God’s House within. 

Values are the core belief system that helps shape everything we do in life. Therefore, it matters what we believe, because our beliefs determine our behavior and our behavior determines who we are and what we’ll become. 

In other words, the kind of person we want to become is based upon the things we’ve chosen to value. So, whatever we value will determine what we want to be in life as well as determine our level of stress, success, and salvation.  

Here at Living Waters Fellowship we want to grow in our relationship with God and with others, along with being that place where life’s difficult challenges meet real life solutions. If we want to build a lasting legacy of success and significance then we need to build it on the biblical values we’ll be looking at in this series.

If there’s one thing that everyone agrees on, whether they are liberal or conservative, democrat, republican, independent, religious or irreligious, Christian, non-Christian, or even an atheist, is that our society is in a moral decline. We are living in an age of declining values.

Further, most surveys say that while the economy is the number one issue of our day, the decline or decay of moral values is a close second. This area of moral decline can be seen in just about every area of our society: politics, business, entertainment, education, and yes even religion. In fact, each of you can probably think of at least one recent scandal in each of these areas.

Today we’re going to begin this series by looking at why people aren’t building their lives on these all-important values. We’ll be looking at the cause of moral decline, the cost to our nation, families, and ourselves, and then the cure.

So, let’s get right into our study 

What’s The Cause?

What is the cause of the crisis we are now experiencing. In two words: Truth Decay

We no longer value truth. Instead we value two other things. These are the Signs of Truth Decay.

            •          Convenience: is it easy 

            •          Pragmatism: does is work

People today no longer care about whether something is true or not; instead they want to know does it work and is it easy. If it works and is easy to accomplish, then we’ll sign up. How else can we explain the explosion in all these info commercials and social media ads that sell us on how to make a million while never leaving the comfort of our homes? 

There has been a major paradigm shift in values over the last couple of decades. It used to be that most everyone agreed on what was true and what wasn’t, or what was right verses what was wrong. Now, that doesn’t mean that everyone did what is right, but at least they knew when they were doing something that wasn’t right. It was a choice they made, not a confusion of values. 

What’s happened since them? “We were sold a bill of goods.” 

People today have bought into four Destructive Philosophies.

1. Individualism

This is where we live for ourselves, and could care less at what others may think. We become our own standard by which we live our lives. We believe that we are more than adequate to judge what is right and wrong, and nobody has the right to tell us otherwise. 

In a way, we have become our own gods, determining for ourselves what is right and wrong for our own lives. This, however, isn’t something new; it’s been around since the beginning. After eating from the tree of good and evil, Adam and Eve saw that they were naked and quickly hid themselves. When God called out for them they were afraid, because they were naked. The Lord, however, said, “Who told you that you were naked” (Genesis 3:11). They determined for themselves that their nakedness was wrong. God never did!

Now, I’m not advocating for running around naked. But, once sin was entered into our DNA, we stopped determining right and wrong based upon what God says, and started determining right and wrong for ourselves. 

Thousands of years ago the nation of Israel fell prey to this philosophy as well. It was during the time of Judges. It could best be described as a time of total chaos. Nobody knew what to do, so they all did whatever they thought was right, which is recorded for us three times in the book of Judges. 

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25; 12:8; 17:6 NKJV)

In other words, there was no central authority for what to do or how to do it, so they all did whatever they thought was right. Doesn’t that sound like something you’d hear today? If there are no standards of what is right or wrong, if there is no rule of law, if there are no absolutes or truths, then that is exactly what is going to happen. 

Now this is an easy philosophy to keep because it comes with no guilt. While it may not be right for someone else, it’s right for us. Further, what evil, or wrong, is spoken of as good or right, and what is then good or right is spoken of as being evil or wrong. 

And so individualism is the first destructive philosophy that people have bought into, and it is just as destructive today as it was for the nation of Israel so long ago. It is a “me-first” philosophy. 

2. Secularism

Secularism is defined as a rejection of religion or an exclusion of religious considerations. To define it more simply, God is unnecessary. Now, it doesn’t mean that there is no god, but what it does mean is that we don’t need the God of the Bible. 

This is seen in our society in how God and the Bible have been systematically removed from almost every area of public life, from schools, government, media, and public opinion. And if someone speaks openly about what the Bible says concerning how life is to be lived, they are lambasted in the public media as fanatical, and put on the terror watch list. 

A couple of generations ago most every public place had a copy of the Ten Commandments proudly displayed; now, however, it’s a crime to do so. A couple of generations ago prayer led off every public meeting and was heard in every public school. Now, law strictly forbids it. And a couple of generations ago more people went to church on Sundays than stayed home. 

So, if there is no more Ten Commandments or prayer to help guide our public life, and if the majority of people no longer go to church or know what is said in the Bible, then where are the people getting their morals from? Hollywood and social media! People are getting their values from Oprah, along with other celebrities. The number one source of values today isn’t the Bible, church, or parents; it’s the Internet and social media. 

And yes, there is a direct correlation to the increase of violence and lawlessness and the removal of God from our society.

And so secularism has removed God from the mainstream of our society. It is what the Apostle Paul wrote about in his letter to the Roman church. 

“(They) exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.” (Romans 1:25 NKJV)

Secularism, therefore, is the second destructive philosophy that is wrecking havoc on our biblical values, and the values of our nation. 

3. Relativism

Now relativism doesn’t mean bad relatives. It is defined as ethical truths that do not depend upon an absolute source, but rather upon the individuals and groups that hold them. In other words, relativism means “No Absolutes.” 

Relativism is what’s true and right for me may not be true and right for you. And nobody can say what is right or wrong because all truth is relative. Therefore, if we don’t measure up to God’s standards for life, we’ll just lower the standards until we do. This is what the Apostle Paul calls a suppression of truth. 

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” (Romans 1:18 NKJV)

Relativism is seen in such phrases as, “It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re sincere,” or“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you sincerely believe it.” 

Think about the logical extension of this philosophy. There are those who have made suicide pacts, and while they were very sincere in what they said and what they did, they were sincerely wrong in their thinking and actions. 

If we filled a cup with poison and sincerely think it’s water and drink it, we’d be dead no matter how sincere we were in our thinking. Therefore, truth does matter. 

When we’re heading for a major decision in life, like whether we should move in with someone outside of the Bible’s definition of marriage, get a divorce, whether or not to get high; and those around us say, “Whatever’s best for you,” that’s relativism, and they don’t love us. 

But, if they bring biblical correction out of love, then they’re not judging us, rather they’re letting us know the truth. They’re the ones who truly love us. 

There’s another phrase that relativism uses, and that is, “There’s no absolute truths in life. There are no absolutes.” When someone says there are no absolutes in life, then they are actually making an absolute statement. It’s therefore fair to ask, “Are you absolutely sure?” 

Relativism is both illogical and irrational. It’s illogical to make an absolute statement that there are no absolutes. That makes no sense whatsoever. 

It’s irrational because the world we live in is built on things that we depend upon, because they are absolutely true. There is the absolute truth of gravity. We sat down in that chair because of this absolute. Gravity pulled us down and the chair held us up. 

Let’s say you have bronchitis and you go to the drug store to get a prescription filled. But the pharmacist gives you medication for hemorrhoids saying, “There are no absolutes so one medication is as good as the next, and by the way you look like you might need this.” I think it’s safe to say that we want our pharmacists interested in absolute truth. 

4. Political Correctness 

In our society today, the highest value is that of tolerance. Society values tolerance more than it values truth. People don’t want someone telling the truth if it offends. Instead we are to tolerate each other, and the worst sin of our society is to be intolerant. 

The word tolerance, however, has been redefined by our society. It once meant, “I will respect you and treat you with dignity even though I disagree with you.” We are to treat people with both love and dignity even though we may not agree with their point of view or lifestyle. 

But today, society has redefined tolerance saying that every idea is of equal value, and is equally true. When we disagree with another person’s truth claim, then we’re intolerant. What I have found interesting is that they call Christians intolerant for not accepting other definitions or ideas of truth, but they don’t call themselves intolerant for disagreeing with Christian truth claims. It’s called having a double standard.

Look at what God says about those who live ungodly lives. 

“Their closed minds are full of darkness; they are far away from the life of God because they have shut their minds and hardened their hearts against Him. They don’t care anymore about right and wrong…” (Ephesians 4:18-19 NLT)

Some people are so open minded their brains are falling out. Some open minds need to be closed for repairs. 

So the cause of our moral decline, or for this truth decay, is found in these four destructive philosophies of individualism, secularism, relativism, and political correctness. If these then are the causes, what is the price that is being paid? 

What’s the Cost? 

The cost is the collapse of our culture. It collapsed the Roman Empire, and it will collapse our society as well. 

We live in a generation that has forgotten God, and we’re now paying the price. The following figures are fairly old, but still shocking. In the next thirty minutes…

  • 228 children will be beaten, molested, or abused. 
  • 57 kids will run away from home and 3 out of 4 girls will sell themselves for sex.
  • 20 children will attempt suicide. 
  • 285 children will become victims of broken homes.

In that same survey, it says that everyday in America – 14 children and youth are murdered – 326 children are arrested for alcohol offenses – 359 children are arrested for drug offenses – 3,356 high school students drop out of school – 3,533 babies are born to unwed mothers – 6,052 children are arrested – 13,076 public school students are suspended, and 135,000 children go to school with some sort of weapon.

In America we have more people in jail than any other country, and adult bookstores outnumber McDonald’s three to one. And one can only imagine the increase of that figure when the Internet is factored in. That’s the cost. 

The Bible says, “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.” (Proverbs 29:18 NLT)

Why is there so much crime? Why are people afraid to go outside their homes? It’s because we’ve kicked God out, that’s why. If there is no God then there is no standard for truth, and if there is no standard for truth then anything and everything is permissible. 

Where do we find the truth: The Bible. God’s word is true; it’s humanity that lies. For over 2000 years the Bible has stood the test of time and it is still the standard by which we are to build our lives. 

The Bible has flourished in spite of the unrelenting attacks during the past 2,000 years. Jesus said in Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” The only item on the planet that will last is the Word of God.

Our culture is collapsing because we are witnessing the flip-flopping of values. What used to be called right and true is now being called wrong. And what used to be called wrong is now being called right. What used to be called perverted is now called sophisticated. 

We’re killing millions of unborn babies through abortion and the elderly through euthanasia, all the while advocating the rights of insects and parasites. On one hand we’re calling marriage outdated, while on the other hand we’re advocating for gay marriage. Just the other day I read about a marriage ceremony for humans and their dogs. Something has gone haywire. But there is a cost for those who ignore God’s word.  

“Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20 NLT)

The Bible says God is not mocked and whatever we sow in life is exactly what we’re going to reap. If we sow destruction, then that is exactly what we’re going to get in return, and that is, destruction. 

What’s The Cure? 

The cure is to tear down, and then rebuild upon a solid foundation. Now, for some people who have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, they have continued to build their lives on the world’s faulty value system. What needs to be done is that this present value system needs to be torn down to the solid rock foundation of God and His word. If not, what will end up happening is that their spiritual house is going to come crashing down around their ears. 

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6 NKJV).  Solomon said that when we fear the Lord then we’ll understand what is right, just, and fair, along with the right course of action we are to take in this life (Proverbs 2:9). 

Abraham Lincoln said, “Morality without God is impossible.” George Washington said, “A moral government without God is impossible.”

The Bible says, “Let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: ‘That You may be justified in Your words, and may overcome when You are judged.’” (Romans 3:4 NKJV)

And so God is true, and in the same way, God’s word is true. 

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.” (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)

How then are we to know truth from opinion?

First, truth is universal. If it is true it applies to everyone, everywhere around the world. If not, then it is opinion. 

Second, truth never changes; it’s always the same. If something was true yesterday, then it is true today. If something was true 2000 years ago, then it is still true today. If something was wrong 2000 years ago, then it is still wrong today. 

Now, while facts may change, truth doesn’t. Years ago scientists said that the atom was the smallest particle. But since then we’ve discover that that is not true. It was a fact, but not the truth. You see, with further discovery facts may change. So facts don’t equal truth.

But truth never changes, and that is a good thing, and since the Bible is the true, we can trust what it says and live our lives by it.  

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105 NKJV)

If we build our lives on the unchanging truth of God’s word, then it will help prevent our stumbling in the darkness of this world. It will help us from making costly mistakes. 


What’s the bottom line? It all comes down to the choices we make. Which set of values will we live our lives by? What standards will we make our decisions upon? 

There are only three possible alternatives. We can base them upon what we think is right, what the world says is right, or what God and His word says is right. 

Maybe think of it like this, who are we going to trust with our eternal lives? Will we trust our own or the world’s understanding, which is limited at best, or what the God of all eternity says? 

Over these next several months, we’ll be looking at biblical values that we can trust. Values that we can build our lives upon. Therefore, I hope you make these next months a high priority, along with bringing others so they can hear about values that are true, and that they can build their lives upon.

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