It’s All Good
“God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31a NKJV)
This is the ending statement of God’s creation, from the light of Christ in the very beginning to the creation of humanity at the end, and everything in God’s sight was good, including each and every one of us.
But sin entered the picture, which now causes the earth to groan and every person outside God’s redemption through faith in Jesus Christ is his enemy (Romans 8:22; Colossians 1:21).
Yet God still loves humanity and highly values the human soul because it has been created in His image and according to His likeness (Genesis 1:26). Therefore of every human being God says they are good, that they have value even though they’ve been born into sin. And if this is the case then every soul should be of great value to us.
God doesn’t make junk, and therefore none of us should put ourselves down, thinking less of ourselves and of our contribution to the kingdom, nor should we put down others, either within or outside the church.
We shouldn’t call people names or use derogatory remarks when speaking about them.
• One reason is because we’d be speaking against God and His creation. He called them good, and they were created in His image and likeness.
• Another reason is because Jesus came and sacrificed His life upon the cross for them.
• Further, God told Peter to call nothing that He had created profane, unclean, or unworthy (Acts 10:15).
• And finally we’re to remember our own roots in sin, and how we were also enemies of Jesus Christ and the gospel message (Colossians 1:21). And if God loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us, then this love should also extends to unbelievers as well.
Everything God has created is good. We’re the ones who messed it up. Therefore, let’s highly value everyone, even our enemies, just as Jesus did.