Stop Running On Empty
July 11, 2024

Today’s 333 Devotional: “Stop Running On Empty”

I usually drive my wife crazy when I see how far I can go on an empty tank of gas. Now, when traveling in town it’s not a problem, but not when I’m outside city limits. It’s not fun running on empty especially when I end up running out of gas 10 miles from the nearest gas station.

But what I’ve found to be worse is when we’re running on empty in our spiritual lives.

Isn’t it ironic how we live in a world filled with time saving devices, but have no time? We have computers, the Internet, and cell phones all promising a better and improved life, yet our lives are far more complicated than at any time in human history.

These machines haven’t decreased our workload; instead, they’ve increased it. So instead of a simpler life, people are more discontented and stressed than ever before, and as a result are getting overloaded and are running on empty.

But to set the record straight, life wasn’t easier back “in the day,” it just wasn’t as complicated. Today it’s all about trying to eke out a little more time, and what we’re finding is that our lives are far less significant when compared to eternity and our mortality.

How can we stem this tide?

We need to simplify our lives back to the priority of God and His will for life. This includes confessing we’ve been living our lives more for ourselves than for God. Taking a personal inventory of exactly what we are doing, and then weed out what isn’t necessary, and then start taking more time to be with God and others.

Finally, we need to obey the Fourth Commandment and keep a Sabbath Day, that is, a day of rest where we concentrate on the spiritual side of our lives.

The Apostle Paul said, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16)

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