Stop and Listen
July 20, 2018

Stop and Listen

God gave us two ears and one mouth. Why then does it take so long to get the hint? We open our mouths when we should keep them closed, and listen.

Or we hear something someone says and it eats at our craw. So, we open our mouths and out comes the wrong advice given in the wrong way. And even if it is correct, it is as if the vile contents of our stomach just got spewed out.

Consider Zophar’s advice to Job.

“Therefore my anxious thoughts make me answer, because of the turmoil within me. I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me, and the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.” (Job 20:2-3)

Zophar was answering from his own knowledge, not God’s wisdom. In the end God rebuked Job’s three friends and their council.

Zophar heard the words, but didn’t listen to God or to Job. He just heard Job’s rebuke and that was enough. He had to be heard.

People don’t need our doctrinal position on whatever they may be going through. Before we open our mouths to tell people what we think, stop and instead listen. Listen to the persons’ heart and hurt and then pray and see what God is saying.

What Job needed more than anything at that time were friends who would just sit with him and pray for him. But not Zophar, he just had to get his two cents in.

What was Job’s response? “Listen carefully to my speech, and let this be your consolation. Bear with me that I may speak, and after I have spoken, keep mocking.” (Job 21:2-3)

We don’t have to reply. And while we may feel the urge to say something, because we’re annoyed, defensive, or angry over what they may have said, there are just times when our words need not be said.

Job ended saying, “How then can you comfort me with empty words, since falsehood remains in your answers?” (Job 21:34)

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