Today’s 333 Devotional: “Persistent Faith”
Faith is persisting when we don’t feel like it.
This is opposite of what the world tells us. It says, “If it feels good, do it; but if not, don’t.” But if we live by our emotions, what’s going to happen is that we’ll end up being manipulated by our moods. As a people of faith, we’re to live our lives based on our commitments, not our emotions.
Faith is persisting even when we feel like giving up. Sometimes we may not feel like reading our Bibles or praying, but when we don’t feel like it, that’s really when we need to. If we only do it when we feel like it, then Satan will make sure we’ll never feel like it.
Keeping on keeping on is the secret of success. No professional athlete enjoys working out. Not professional musician enjoys the hours of practice they have to put in every day. But persisting through the feelings is what makes them both successful at their craft.
Godly men and women of faith don’t become that way by accident. Those in Hebrew’s Hall of Fame didn’t get there by accident, they persisted, and they chose to take the time to develop the habits necessary to develop these spiritual lives of faith in spite of how they felt. Take Moses as an example.
“By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 11:27)
Moses led the entire Hebrew nation out of their slavery to Egypt and into the wilderness, and for forty years he had to endure going in circles because of their disobedience. The key to his success was persistence and keeping His eyes on God and the prize the whole time.
So many are close to quitting. They’re ready to quit their marriage, job, dream, even God and the church. The situations seem beyond hope, but God says to keep our eyes on Him and keep faith in His promises.