A Scripture and a Prayer: “Overlooking Transgressions”
The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression… He who covers a transgression seeks love.” (Proverbs 19:11; 17:9a)
Lord, You tell us how we are to be quick to listen, and slow to anger. What this means is that we need to be quick to listen to Your voice and Your word when under attack or wrongly accused. This is because to be angry in this way is a sin, and it is to Your glory when we forgive and not hold it against the person who has wronged us. It is this love that I am seeking after, that is, are we loving others as You have loved us. As it is found in Your great commandment, You say that this is the way we show how much we love You. Therefore, give to us the strength to follow through not upon what flesh wants to retain, but upon what the Holy Spirit is revealing through these times. And this we ask in Jesus’s name. AMEN