Let’s Not Change Our Message
January 21, 2015

Time To Change Direction

After WWII, Christian pastors were pressured to change their message and standards, because those in counseling and psychology were saying that preaching about sin was harming our nation.
Pastors in droves turned to this new kind of message, turning to psychology, sociology, and psychiatry, along with many Christian seminaries.
But the reality is that people don’t need therapy, instead they need to be saved, cleansed, renewed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Most people aren’t sick; they’re sinful and need to be led to the truth and to their Savior, Jesus Christ.
We need to stop lying to others and ourselves.
• Drunkenness isn’t a disease, it’s a sin
• Homosexuality isn’t an alternative lifestyle, it’s a sin
• Adultery and fornication isn’t an addiction to sex, it’s a sin
And the cure isn’t giving platitudes or relief; rather it’s telling the truth and recognizing sin as sin.
What we’ve seen is that the cause of many people’s distress is sin, and the cure begins when we recognized and acknowledge it as being sin. The Apostle John says.
“Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4 NKJV)
Another way to say this is, “Those who sin are opposed to God’s law, because all sin opposes God’s law.” Seeing that we’ve all sinned and we’re sinners by nature, then sin is falling short of God’s holy and righteous standards for living (Romans 3:23).
So we need to call sin exactly what it is, sin, and stop covering it up with rationalizations or with saying it’s some sort of new morality, or our world has changed making the Bible no longer relevant or that the Bible no longer speaks to our generation.
That’s a lie, which itself is a sin. We’re no different today than we were 2,000 years ago, and the same sin back then is the same sin today.
So it’s time the church changed direction and go back to the truth of God’s word and repent.

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(Behind Ace Hardware)

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