God’s Steadfast Love
February 18, 2015

God Loves Us From Everlasting to Everlasting

God’s love will hold onto us and will never let us go. This tenacious love God has for us is both eternal and changeless. These two concepts are wonderfully linked in the New Revised Standard Bible.

“But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him.” (Psalm 103:17a NRS)

Before we ever existed, God loved us. Long before we were ever born God fastened His affection upon us and decided to love us, not because we earned it, but because that is who He is.

Before we were ever born God knew the worst about us, therefore nothing we do will disillusion Him where He says, “Didn’t see that coming. I guess I made a mistake.” God doesn’t make mistakes.

J.I. Packer in his book, “Knowing God,” said, “God’s love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on the prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery now can disillusion Him about me in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench His determination to bless me.”

And so God says, “It’s not because you’ve earned it or worked hard for it that I have loved you, rather I love you because I made a choice to love you.”

And that choice will never change. God said, “I am the Lord, I do not change” (Malachi 3:6). Therefore God has not only loved us from everlasting, but He will love us to everlasting. His love will never end. This is a lifelong and eternity long relationship.

In the chorus, “One Thing Remains,” it says, “Your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me. On and on and on and on it goes. It overwhelms and satisfies my soul. And I never, ever, have to be afraid. One thing remains.”

The one thing that remains is God’s unchanging love towards us, because God loves us from everlasting to everlasting.

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