God’s Extended Blessing
January 12, 2018

God’s Extended Blessing

God’s love, mercy, and grace extend even in our disobedience.

Joshua and the rulers of Israel felt confident in their own decision-making ability that they forgot to inquire of God to get His take on the Gibeonites.

The story is found in Joshua 9.

In the early stages of the Israel’s conquest of the land, there was a people group known as the Gibeonites. They lived down the street from the city of Ai, which Israel had just finished conquering.

When they heard they were next on Israel’s hit list, they sent a delegation to make a deal with Israel, but they did so with great deception, making believe that they were from a far country, showing Joshua and the rulers their old tattered clothing and supplies.

Once Joshua and the rulers heard their story and how great they thought Israel was, and checked out their provisions and found everything was as they said, Israel made a covenant with the Gibeonites.

But they never checked it out with God first.

“Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they did not ask counsel of the Lord.” (Joshua 9:14)

When they found out what they had done a few days later and how they now couldn’t inherit this area of land because of the deal they had made, God still brought a blessing to them, even though it wasn’t what God ultimately wanted for them.

The Gibeonites were now to be Israel’s servants, cutting wood and carrying water for the house of God, Joshua 9:21.

God changed the curse of disobedience into a blessing for Israel’s and His own good.

This same blessing also extends to us today. Even though we may blow it and find ourselves in disobedience, God still can use it for His own and for our good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

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