Face the Lion
A man awoke screaming after having a terrifying dream. In the dream a ferocious lion kept chasing him, and he would run away until he was completely exhausted.
Weeks later the man knelt down in prayer. He recalled the dream and when the lion came towards him, instead of running he stood still and faced the lion. Upon reaching the man the lion stopped and the man asked who the lion was. The lion replied, “I am your courage and your strength. Why are you running from me?”
This man represents many believers as they continue to run away from their courage and strength. This is why they don’t move forward in the things of God, and instead settle in the pews, or worse, do nothing at all.
But the sort of courage and strength represented by the lion isn’t ordinary courage or strength. It’s lion hearted. It’s divine. It’s God given, and it’s the courage and strength we long for, and yet we run from it.
But it scares us because once we accept it, then there are no more excuses. Yet consider the victories that can be won when we stop running and accept what God desires to give to us.
Consider David’s victory over Goliath. David faced this behemoth with only a sling and five stones. Yet, victory was achieved, not because of David’s skill of arms, but because of David’s courage and trust in God.
David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand.” (1 Samuel 17:45-46a)
And so, place your trust in God, and He will give you the strength and courage to face your fears, to overcome your doubts, and to be His mighty man and woman of valor.