A Consumer Christian
May 5, 2016

A Consumer Christian

Don’t be fooled. You cannot live this Christian life separated from the life of the church. I have heard people say, “I don’t need the church,” but they’re wrong.

The Apostle Paul called the church Christ’s body.

“For in fact the body is not one member but many. If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,’ is it therefore not of the body?” (1 Corinthians 12:14-15)

The church, the body of Christ, doesn’t exist for the individual member; rather individual members exist for the whole. We need each other. When the church doesn’t have a ministry you want, God isn’t telling you to go to another church, but to stay and provide it for others.

When we think we can live without the church then we’re in danger, and when it comes to receiving help in time of need, then we’ll be like the people of Laish. They were a people who dwelt in peace and securely without ties to anyone, because they wrongly thought they were self-sufficient.

When the tribe of Dan came upon them they were destroyed.

“There was no deliverer, because it was far from Sidon, and they had no ties with anyone.” (Judges 18:28)

I often hear people say, “I just watch so-in-so on TV and I get my spiritual food from them.” But when they’re in trouble, whom do they reach out to? They reach out to the local church for help, prayers, and support, although they have offered none in return and soon return to their TV sets.

Please forgive me, but there have been times where I wish I could just say, “Why don’t you call the so-in-so preacher and have them help you, have him or her counsel you.” But the love and grace of God always restrains me.

Christians need to stop this consumer mentality that has not only destroyed the church, but it’s a pothole in their journey towards spiritual transformation.

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